Tips For Correcting Forward Head Posture

Forward head posture is one of the more common types of posture abnormalities. Forward head posture is a condition where the neck is pushed forward over the torso, which causes a compression on the upper back and spine that can cause a bent upper back/neck.

Forward head posture is very common among people who have jobs where they are hunched over a computer all day or have suffered a shoulder/neck injury.

This is a type of incorrect posture can lead to many complications, such as back pain, headaches, pinched nerves, and even longer-term spinal injuries.

That’s why it’s important to take steps to correct your posture as quickly as possible. Simple things like remembering to keep your back straight while at a computer or sleeping with the correct type of pillow and form can greatly reduce forward head posture in the long-term.

But there are many other things you can do to strengthen your upper back and shoulders that will help alleviate the effects of bad posture and reduce the likely hood of a reoccurrence.

For starters, let’s look at a few things you can do to help you on your path to better forward head posture.

Isometric Exercise

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There are a few different exercises you can do to help strengthen the neck and shoulder muscles. The most common one involves standing with your back against a wall or door.

To begin, stand with your back against a hard surface (inside your house against the wall is usually your best bet) and place the back of your head against the surface as well. Push your shoulders as far back as you can, but only as much as it is comfortable to do so.

Imagine that there is a string at the top your head pulling you up towards the ceiling. As you do this, ensure that your chin is not pushed too far back or too far forward. It is best to tuck your chin in by engaging the muscles in the back/sides of your neck.

Hold this position for 30 seconds. As you do this, you should feel those muscles contract a little bit and they will become sore.

It’s best to do two or three sets of these every day for the best possible effect.

Note: don’t be discouraged if you can’t quite touch the wall. There’s no need to push your shoulders so far back that they contort your chest and cause it to push forward. This negates the purpose of the exercise. The main idea here is to strengthen your muscles which in turn will bring your head back into proper alignment.

However if you are able to touch the wall there are some advanced versions of this exercise you can do.

Stand with your back and head against the wall and ensure that your chin is tucked in words. Take your arms and extend them outward at a 90° angle so that your palms are facing the floor. Move them up and down in a flapping motion slowly. Do this for about 30 seconds or so. This will stimulate the C-5 nerve.

Afterwards, start with your arms back in the 90° position and bring them up to cover your ears with the palm of your hands. This will stimulate the C6 nerve.

Lastly, Start with one hand raised and make a fist. Bring that arm down in the pulling motion. Follow this up with the other arm. Bring your arms up and down as if you were climbing a ladder. This will utilize muscle contraction and stimulate your C6 and C7 nerves.

Repeat these exercises 3 to 6 times. If you do this every day consistently you will notice an improvement in your forward head postur


Stretching is important to help relieve muscle tension and also bring your body into better alignment. Here’s a few different stretches you can do to help ensure better overall forward head posture. Note: these exercises are best performed while sitting to minimize the risk of cheating or injury.

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Consider a posture brace

Posture braces are devices you wear around your upper back and loop around the front of your shoulders to pull them back. This will help correct your posture and will also act as physical reminder not to slouch forward. Posture braces come in many shapes and sizes, and many are easily adjustable to the desired firmness.

Stand up straight

It should be obvious, but the most important thing you can do to correct your posture is to pay attention to it throughout the day. If you keep it on your mind as much is possible you will be able to automatically correct yourself to feel yourself slouching while doing everyday activities.

This is especially important for people who do a lot of computer work. If you sit at a desk for long periods of time you should ensure that your monitor is level with her eyes and not below them, as this will obviously cause you to slouch forward over time.

You can also avoid looking down when you are out walking around. This will act as a mental reminder to avoid slouching forward to matter where you or what activity you’re doing.


There are many different reasons why it is important to maintain proper posture, and there are quite a few different ways to go about ensuring that you do so. By using the tips in this article you should be well on your way towards a better posture and a healthier life.

About the Author admin

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